Saturday, June 4, 2011

Play Houses

Mum stayed at school today and helped out with the water activities as well as taking part in a mean game of The Three Little Pigs, my most favorite story these days. On the playground, we have play houses that were perfect for the game. The Big Bad Wolf, AKA Mum, would blow down one house and my friends and I, AKA "little pigs" would run for our lives over to another house.

Here is Averie and I hiding in the "straw house."
Here I am taunting the Big Bad Wolf from the security of the "wood house."

Here is Adam trying to cheer me up after the wolf got ahold of my tail on the way to the best house, the "brick house." I made it inside just in the knick of time, the Wolf was gaining momentum and looked awfully hungry.

The brick house saves us all, hahaha, wolf! You definitely can't get me now, I'm safe!

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