Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stomach Flu

So I went to the doc for my well visit on Friday and I returned on Tuesday, after 7 days of runny poos and 3 days of vomitting. Then on the wee hours of Thursday evening mum and dad rushed me to the ER, but don't be alarmed, all is well. It seems my distended tummy and intense stomach cramps/diarreha and explosive vomitting that night was the grand finale and believe it or not, I'm back to normal. Which is good and bad. Good that I want to eat at last, and bad because now mum and dad aren't letting me watch endless episodes of Curious George. I have to say being sick has some perks, sad but true. My TV viewing has been halved since I got well. Not fair! At least this didn't all happen over Christmas!
Liking PBS for Kids.


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