Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Summertime Visit to Earthshine Mountain Lodge

 Watching the blue-tongued skink of Australia eat his fruit and vegetalbles.
 This snake was taking a nap in the "tree" and wasn't overly excited to be woken-up by a bunch of loud boys!
 Two snakes getting cozy in their tubular home.
 Giant spotted salamander.
 Petting a very large toad. Hope I don't get warts!
 Check-out the blue tongue on this skink.

We are making our summertime visit to Earthshine an annual event.  Steve had some new creatures to show us, as well as re-introducing us to some creatures from last year.  The ENP (Eartshine Nature Program) is a non-profit educational program that I find quite interesting.  Steve teaches us lots about respecting the creatures of the earth and their importance in our world.  Fun was had by all as usual! What a neat spot. I can see why mom and dad got married there. 

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